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Strona Główna Muzyka Klasyczna Handel George George Frideric Handel – Jephtha – Oratorio (1989)

George Frideric Handel – Jephtha – Oratorio (1989)

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George Frideric Handel – Jephtha – Oratorio HWV 70 (1989)

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01. Overture
02. It must be so; or these vile Ammonites
03. Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs play
04. No more to Ammon's god and king play
05. But Jephtha comes
06. Virtue my soul shall still embrace
07. 'Twill be a painful separation, Jephtha; In gentle murmurs will I mourn
08. Happy this embassy, my charming Iphis; Dull delay, in piercing anguish
09. Ill suits the voice of love when glory calls; Take the heart you fondly gave
10. I go, My soul, inspir'd by thy command' These labours past, how happy we!
11. What mean these doubtful fancies
12. O God, behold our sore distress
13. Some dire event hangs o'er our heads
14. Say, my dear mother
15. The smiling dawn of happy days
16. Such, Jephtha, was the houghty king's reply
17. When his loud voice in thunder spoke


01. Glad tidings of great joy to thee, dear Iphis
02. Cherub and Seraphim, unbodied forms
03. Up the dreadful steep ascending
04. 'Tis well, Haste, haste, ye maidens; Tune the soft melodious lute
05. Heav'n smiles once more on his repentant people
06. In glory high, in might serene play
07. Hail, glorious conqueror! play
08. Welcome as the cheerful light
09. Horror! Confusion! Open thy marble jaws, O tomb
10. Why is my brother thus afflicted
11. First perish thou, and perish all the world!
12. If such thy cruel purpose; On me let blind mistaken zeal
13. O spare your daughter
14. Such news flies swift
15. Happy they! this vital breath
16. Deeper, and deeper still
17. How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees!


01. Hide thou thy hated beams, O sun
02. Waft her, angels, through the skies
03. Ye sacred priests; Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods
04. Doubtful fear and rev'rent awe
05. Symphony
06. Rise, Jephtha, and ye rev'rend priests
07. Happy, Iphis shalt thou live
08. For ever blessed be Thy holy name
09. Theme sublime of endless praise
10. Let me congratulate this happy turn; Laud her, all ye virgin train play
11. O let me fold thee in a mother's arms; Sweet as sight to the blind play
12. My faithful Hamor, may that Providence;All that is in Hamor mine
13. Ye house of Gilead, with one voice
14. Applause

Jephtha - Nigel Robson
Iphis - Lynne Dawson
Storgè - Anne Sofie von Otter
Hamor - Michael Chance
Zebul - Stephen Varcoe
Angel - Ruth Holton

Monteverdi Choir
English Baroque Soloists
John Eliot Gardiner, 1989


John Eliot Gardiner's 1988 recording remains, even after these many years, the pre-eminent recording of this Oratorio. His leads are well-chosen: Nigel Robson, Michael Chance, Anne Sofie von Otter, Lynne Dawson and Stephen Varcoe; accomplished singers all! Gardiner is an interventionist conductor, very responsive to the needs of the drama. His dramatic reading of the work helps his soloists give far more dramatically intense readings. It helps that Nigel Robson in the title role has a voice which can be steely and heroic and he uses this to great effect - his performance of 'Open thy marble jaws, O tomb' is instructive, moving and dramatically credible.

The plot of Jephtha is based on Chapter 11 of the book of Judges in the bible and as usual Handel has chosen well; for the story is highly dramatic and exciting thruout. Jephtha was disinherited by his half-brothers but eventually became a great warrior. Many years later his brothers came to him and asked him to defeat the Ammonites who were attacking the Israelites. He agreed to do so providing that he would then become their leader. Before the battle he agrees to sacrifice to God the first person that comes out of his home after the battle. He wins the battle and upon arriving home his only daughter comes out to greet him and therefore is slated to be the sacrifice. Then Handel changes the ending and an angel comes down from heaven and tells her that her life is not required but her virginity will remain her whole life. Everybody is happy, of course, except for her betrothed!

This recording is one of John Eliot Gardiners'masterpieces. The singers are absolutely marvelous in their roles displaying much virtuosity and suitable emotions. There are so many highly dramatic situations in this oratorio which provide so many opportunities for Handel to display his many creative abilities both chorally and instrumentally. And the arias are exquisite! Michael Chance is stunning in the role of Hamor (Jephtha's chief commander and Iphis's betrothed). His arias come forth as if by magic with note after beautiful note. Anne Sofie von Otter in the role of Iphis has never sounded better!!!. Nigel Robson(tenor)was outstanding in the role of Jephtha as was Stephen Varcoe (bass) in the role of Zebul.

"Jephtha" was Handel's farewell to oratorio, and his last work of any importance. But his legacy is sufficient to keep us entertained for our lifetime.

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