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Home Rock, Metal Rock Opera Musical Alexander Zhurbin - Orpheus and Eurydice (1977)

Alexander Zhurbin - Orpheus and Eurydice (1977)

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Alexander Zhurbin - Orpheus and Eurydice (A Rock Opera)

Александр Журбин - Орфей и Эвридика 1977

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1. Увертюра (Overture) 	1:39
2. Орфей полюбил Эвридику (Orpheus Falling in Love with  Eurydice) 	1:11 
3. Первый дуэт Орфея и Эвридики и песня Орфея ("Когда поет Орфей") / First Duet of Orpheus, and Euridice and Orpheus Song
(" When Orpheus Sings ... ") 5:40 4. Хор вестников ("Близится, близится...") Chorus of Bulletins ("Approaches, Approaches") 1:39 5. Сцена прощания (Scene of Farewell) 1:27 6. Ария Эвридики ("Песня о капле росы")Aria of Eurydice (Song about a Drop of Dew) 3:45 play 7. Напутствие Эвридики (Parting Word of Euridice) 0:38 8. Первый зонг ("Оглянись") The First Zong ("Look Back") 2:19 9. Интерлюдия (Interlude) 1:38 10. Певцы и Фортуна (Singers and Fate) 4:23 11. Состязание певцов (Competition of Singers) 4:28 12. Выступление Орфея (Appearance of Orpheus) 3:17 13. Сцена прославления (Scene of Glorification) 4:36 14. Явление Фортуны ("Звал меня, звал меня, мой певец...") / Phenomenon of Fate (" Called Me, Called Me, My Singer... ") 3:06 15. Песня Харона ("Еще один юнец встречает в сны...") /Song of Haron (" One More Youth Meets Springs... ") 3:00 16. Встречай, Эвридика (Meet, Euridice) 1:06
CD2 1. Первое возвращение Орфея (First Returning ?f Orpheus) 4:45 2. Второй зонг ("Прости нас, Эвридика...") /The Second Zong (" Euridice, Forgive Us... ") 2:01 3. Интерлюдия ("Буря над озером") и песня Эвридики ("Орфей, я в лицо ее знаю...") /Interlude (The Storm Above the Lake) 6:02 4. Дуэт Эвридики и Харона /Song of Eurydice ("Orpheus , I Know Her In Face? "), and Duo Eurydice And Haronaron 2:01 5. Сцена опьянения (Scene of Intoxication) 4:20 6. Ария Фортуны ("Все несчастливцы как один...")/Aria of Fate (" All Luckless as One... ") 2:50 7. Сцена Орфея и Харона и песня Харона /(Scene of Orpheus and Haron, and Song of Haron) 8:34 8. Ария Орфея ("Потерял я Эвридику...") /Aria of Orpheus (" I Have Lost Eurydice ... ") 3:54 play 9. Напутствие Фортуны /(Parting Word of Fate) 1:40 10. Третий зонг ("Маятник") /The Third Zong ("Pendulum") 2:30 11. В ожидании Орфея /(In Expectation of Orpheus) 1:28 12. Встречай, Эвридика (Meet, Euridice) 0:43 13. Сцена второго возвращения Орфея /(Scene of Second Returning of Orpheus) 3:14 14. Хор вестников ("Близится, близится...") /Chorus of Bulletins (" Approaches, Approaches... ") 2:06 15. Исчезновение Эвридики (Disappearance of Euridice) 1:36 16. Финал (Final) 3:49 Performer: Poyuschiye Guitary (The Singing Guitars) Albert Assadulin, Orpheus Irina Ponarovskaya, Eurydice Olga Levitskaya, Fortune Bogdan Vivcharovsky, Charon V. Tsakadze, V. Lazarenko, A. Fyodorov, Competition Singers Исполнители: - Альберт Асадуллин - Орфей - Ирина Понаровская - Эвридика - Богдан Вивчаровский - Харон - Ольга Левицкая - Фортуна - Валерий Цакадзе, Александр Федоров, Василий Лазаренко - Певцы ВИА "Поющие гитары"


Alexander Zhurbin was born in Tashkent and attended the Special Music School and Tashkent Conservatory as well as the Moscow Gnesin Institute where he studied with Nikolai Peiko and Aram Khachaturian. He did post-graduate studies as a musicologist and completed his Ph.D., studying with Sergei Slonimski. His first big success came with his rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice. Since 1990, the composer and his family have lived in New York City. He has served as composer-in-residence at the 92nd Street Y and a professor at Touro College. In 1992 he founded the Russian-American Theater "Wandering Stars," which has become a major cultural force inside the Russian-speaking community. Since its first appearance in 1975, Zhurbin's rock opera Orpheus and Eurydice has been the focus of enormous interest and attention. The reaction from the Soviet Communist Press and the official propaganda "apparatchiks" was negative and even scandalous. Somehow the work managed to survive all this - mostly because general audiences disregarded the "directives" from the Central Committee.

There is an old Russian proverb which goes "people vote with their feet," which means the audience either comes to the performance or it doesn't. In the case of Orpheus the response was incredible. In some cities it was performed twice in one day, two weeks in a row at the sports arena with six to seven thousand tickets sold at every performance. One group gave it 2500 performances all over the Soviet Union and Europe. This two CD set is a remastering of the original cast album made in 1977 by the St. Petersburg Theater Rock Opera Group. About the Two Portraits, the composer writes: "My love for the great poetry of the two Russian poets from the first half of the 20th century - Marina Tsvetayeva and Velemir Khlebnikov - inspired me to write this music in an attempt to create some kind of "Musical Portraits." This set should have broad appeal to a wide group of listeners. It is really a "crossover" album. --- arkivmusic.com

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