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Home Jazz Enrico Rava Enrico Rava - Live At Casa Del Jazz (2009)

Enrico Rava - Live At Casa Del Jazz (2009)

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Enrico Rava - Live At Casa Del Jazz (2009)

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01. Autobiografia (8:42)
02. Serpent (8:26)
03. Interiors (11:57)
04. Algir Dalbughi (13:15)
05. Todamor (5:15)					play
06. Lavori Casalinghi - The Fearless Five (14:01)

    Alto Saxophone – Daniele Tittarelli
    Double Bass – Stefano Senni
    Drums – Zeno De Rossi
    Guitar – Marcello Giannini
    Piano – Giovanni Guidi
    Tenor Saxophone – Dan Kinzelman
    Trombone, Tuba – Mauro Ottolini
    Trumpet – Enrico Rava


Enrico Rava, born in Trieste in 1939, is undoubtedly the most internationally acknowledged Italian jazzman. In forty years of his career as trumpet player, and composer, he has produced more than hundred recordings, thirty of which as a leader. Being a great admirer of Miles Davis and Chet Baker, his career started at an early age, when he played in clubs in Turin. In 1962, he meets Gato Barbieri with whom, two years later, he records the soundtrack for Montaldo's film "Una bella grinta". In those years he meets Don Cherry, Mal Waldron and Steve Lacy, with whom he plays free jazz in a quartet alternating between London and Buenos Aires (it is in Argentina in 1966 that the quartet records the album "The Forest and the Zoo"). In 1967 Rava is in New York, where he is introduced into the free avant-garde, among which are Roswell Rudd, Marion Brown, Rashied Ali, Cecil Taylor, Charlie Haden, Marvin Peterson etc.

After an italian parenthesis, during which he plays with various musicians including Franco D'Andrea and where he records with Lee Konitz in Rome and with Manfred Schoof in Bremen, he returns to New York in 1969, where he lives for eight years. At first he plays mostly with Rudd, Bill Dixon and Carla Bley's Jazz Composer's Orchestra, under whose direction he records "Escalator Over the Hill". Beginning in 1972, when he records his first album as a leader, "Il giro del giorno in 80 mondi", Rava directs quartets (in New York clubs and on tours in Europe and Argentina), nearly always in pianoless groups. The playings and recordings follow one another, in a precious and uninterrupted flow, beside acknowledged italian, european and american musicians such as Franco D'Andrea, Enrico Pieranunzi, Marcello Melis, Massimo Urbani, Paolo Fresu, Pietro Tonolo, Stefano Bollani, Roberto Gatto, John Abercrombie, Roswell Rudd, Miroslav Vitous, Richard Galliano, J.F. Jenny-Clark, Misha Mengelberg, Dino Saluzzi, Lee Konitz, Martial Solal, Pat Metheny Charlie Mariano, Cecil Taylor, Jimmy Lyons, Archie Shepp etc. He has played on tours and concerts in USA, Japan, Canada, Europe, Brazil, China, Argentina, taking part in important Festivals (Montreal, Toronto, Houston, San Francisco, Chicago, New York,Rio De Janeiro,Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Perugia, Antibes, Berlin, Paris Tokyo, Peking, etc). He has several times been elected best musician in the annual referendum conducted by "Musica Jazz", and has also won the title in the "best group" and "best italian album" categories.

He ranked the 4th place on the Down Beat 2006 and 2007 trumpet players special chart. At present, he plays in several concerts with several projects including a duo with pianist Stefano Bollani and the Enrico Rava Quintet, composed by affirmed musicians as Gianluca Petrella, Giovanni Guidi, Pietro Leveratto and Fabrizio Sferra. " The third Man", the new Enrico Rava Cd (a duet with Stefano Bollani) for ECM has been released in September 07. A new album "New York Days" with an all star quintet: Mike Turner, Stefano Bollani, Larry Grenadier, Paul Motian, will be released for ECM records in january 09. --- .enricorava.com


Enrico Rava, ur. 20.08.1943 w Trieście we Włoszech. Zafascynowany w latach 60. jazzem nowoorleańskim grywał (na puzonie) w różnych zespołach dixielandowych w Turynie. Zauroczony muzyką Milesa Davisa i charakterystycznym brzmieniem jego trąbki, zdecydował się na zmianę instrumentu. Pierwszą profesjonalną jazzową współpracę nawiązał w (1965 r.) z koncertującymi w Rzymie muzykami amerykańskimi. Najciekawsza okazała się współpraca z saksofonistą Gato Barbierim oraz pianistą Malem Waldronem. Rozpoczął także regularną współpracę (1966-69) z saksofonistą Lee Konitzem. W 1967 r. wraz z saksofonistą Stevem Lacym zagrał pierwsze entuzjastycznie przyjmowane koncerty w Nowym Jorku.

Ważna dla kariery Ravy okazała się także współpraca (koncerty i nagrania) z Roswellem Ruddem, z którym występował w latach 1969-78. Spore uznanie włoski trębacz zdobył w połowie lat 70. koncertując z warsztatową formacją Globe Unity Orchestra. W latach 80. Rava decyduje się na powrót (z Nowego Jorku) do Włoch; zakłada własne zespoły, z których najciekawsze okazały się kwartety z Tonym Oxleyem, Artem Farmerem, Enrico Pieranuzzim, Archiem Sheepem, Naną Vasconcelosem oraz nagrania i koncerty z Donem Cherrym, Charliem Hadenem, Dollarem Brandem, Carlą Bley, Dino Saluzzim, Johnem Abercrombiem.

Autorskie projekty realizuje w ramach Rava String Band: arcyciekawe „Enrico Rava Plays Italian Composers”, „Rava Plays Carmen” i „Rava l'Opera Va” z przepięknymi, jazzowymi interpretacjami klasycznych kompozycji Pucciniego, Bizeta, Nino Roty, Albioniniego. Program „Enrico Rava Plays Italian Composers” uhonorowany został jako najważniejsze europejskie wydarzenia jazzowe (Top Jazz’93 oraz Top Jazz’94). --- lastfm.pl

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