Vicente Bianchi - Misa A La Chilena y otros 6 temas chilenos (1985)
Vicente Bianchi - Misa A La Chilena y otros 6 temas chilenos (1985)
01] Kyrie (Señor, Ten Piedad De Nosotros) - Estilo Araucano 02] Gloria - Ritmo De Refalosa 03] Credo - Aire De Tonada 04] Sanctus (Santo) - Aire Chileno 05] Agnus Dei (Cordero De Dios) - Ritmo De Trote Nortino 06] Aleluya - Ritmo De Cueca 07] El Costillar - Danza Chilota 08] Burrito De Belén - Trote 09] Hombre Malvado - (Hueda Kona) - Canción Mapuche 10] Cachimbo Piqueño - Cachimbo 11] Guitarra De Nochebuena - Villancico 12] La Trastasera - Danza Chilena Coro Chile Canta
Vicente Bianchi Alarcón outstanding Composer, Pianist and Chilean Conductor and choirs .
Its musical work approximately is made up by the liturgical musicalización of poems of Pablo Neruda, musicalización of Misas and events, like Misa to the Chilean and You Deum ( 1970 - 2000 ), orchestral adjustments, like Music for the History of Chile Higgins Or Bernardine Canto and ', adjustments for films, among others. Bianchi was born 27 from January of 1920 in the commune of Ñuñoa, in Santiago of Chile . National Conservatory of Music realized its studies in, and later it continued his musical learning of particular form.
The Queen was director of the Cultural Center of in 1986, and director of the choir Santa Marta. One of the special presentations of this choir was You Deum realized in Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago each 18 of September ; this musical version of the liturgy had been composed by Bianchi in 1968 with the letter of the Father Felipe Lazaro, and was interpreted between 1970 and the year 2000 .
In 1998 gained the Competition Folkloric of Festival of the Song of Vine of the Sea with the night of Chillán, written on unpublished verses of Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, to whom also musicalizó some of its poems. In 2004 became of deserving Prize to the Chilean . ---
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