Polska Muzyka The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265.html Sat, 27 Jul 2024 00:28:51 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management pl-pl Wojnar - Jam synem orlim jest na wieki… (1998/2009) http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/20895-wojnar-jam-synem-orlim-jest-na-wieki-19982009.html http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/20895-wojnar-jam-synem-orlim-jest-na-wieki-19982009.html Wojnar - Jam synem orlim jest na wieki… (1998/2009)

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01. Jam synem orlim jest na wieki! Pt 1 - 23:26
02. Jam synem orlim jest na wieki! Pt 2 - 18:20

Wojnar - All instruments, Vocals


WOJNAR (ex- Saltus, Piorun, ex- Sorrow Filled, ex- Swastyka) rozpoczął swą działalność w 1997roku w Warszawie . W ciągu swej działalności wydał trzy dema (Zimowa Opowieść, Jam Synem Orlim Jest na Wieki, Kiedy Duch Wojny Nade Mną Powstanie), oraz trzy płyty (The Book of Veles, Z Najgłębszych Borów Pieśni Wam Niosę, oraz reedycję Kiedy Duch Wojny…).

W czasie swojej działalności WOJNAR współpracował między innymi z ukraińskim NOKTURNAL MORTUM.

Reedycja płyty "Jam Synem Orlim Jest Na Wieki", została wydana przez wschodnią wytwórnię Lost Reich Records (Rosja) 16 kwietnia 2009. ---last.fm


Certainly when I saw the album cover, the pagan spirit still lives, very much so you feel like listening to the music when you see the album cover.

Basically, this demo album contains just two tracks, but of long length. Each track is a journey. There are a good amount of elements in the music. The typical dungeon-like synth that is present in the first demo is present here. There are also clean male vocals, keyboards, and folk elements. Some black metal vocals appear at times in the song as well. A highlight part of this album is in the first track, Jam Synem Orlim Jest na Wieki! Pt1, at the 16-minute mark when the song gets quicker and more action-packed in its resemblance of a battle or war.

The second track, Jam Synem Orlim Jest na Wieki! Pt2, starts off awesomely with beautiful keyboards, tribal drums, and synthesizer in the background followed by black metal vocals. As the track goes on, the keyboards continue in the sound of an organ this time. More synthesizer, keyboard, and male vocals will continue, eventually getting the listener stuck in the beautiful music.

Overall, this album deserves about an 80% from me. One could say the music is boring at times, but I would disagree. It's all action-packed. I'm not sure what would make this album a masterpiece. Nonetheless, it proves to be enjoyable. I recommend this album for people who like black metal, folk, ambient, pagan, and classical music. --- Gothiccc, metal-archives.com

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

yandex 4shared mega mediafire zalivalka cloudmailru uplea ge.tt



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluelover) Wojnar Fri, 30 Dec 2016 14:52:23 +0000
Wojnar - Kiedy duch wojny nade mna powstanie (1999/2006) http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/21518-wojnar-kiedy-duch-wojny-nade-mna-powstanie-19992006.html http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/21518-wojnar-kiedy-duch-wojny-nade-mna-powstanie-19992006.html Wojnar - Kiedy duch wojny nade mną powstanie (1999/2006)

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Part One:

01. Narodziny (Prolog)
02. Pieśń ku chwale ognia
03. Za wieki minione
04. Łza dla przeszłości

Part Two:

05. Kiedy na wojnę czas nam wyruszyć
06. Lament bogów
07. Wspomnienie z głębi lasu
08. Pożegnanie słońca (Epilog)

Wojnar - All instruments, Vocals 


Polish Ambient Pagan Black Metal.

Originally released on cassette tape in 1999 by Kolovrat Productions, but now re-released on CD by Morbid Winter Records, 'Kiedy Duch Wojny Nade Mna Powstanie' is the third demo of this Polish one-man act. Wojnar (whose name reputedly derives from the words 'Woj' & 'Ar', Polish for 'Warrior' & 'Aryan') has a long time presence within the Polish pagan black metal scene, having collaborated with such diverse acts as Piorun, Saltus, Sorrow Filled and Ukraine's Nokturnal Mortum. He has also released two demos previous to 'Kiedy Duch...', as well as two full-length albums following after (which seem to have slowly but surely added more acoustic Slavonic folk instrumentation to the Wojnar sound, moving it away from the mainly electronic basis presented here into realms of a more authentic ethnic ambience).

The title means "When The Spirit Of War Will Rise Above Me". With connections to the bands: SALTUS, PIORUN and SWASTYKA.

The only main difference to this re-issue (other than the obvious shift to digital sound quality) is the grouping of the original's eight tracks into two, now termed 'movements'. Each of these is subdivided into the four original tracks that comprise them, thus making this a CD now composed of two near half-hour long ambient pieces. --- metalscraprecords.com


As I hear it, this is one of the truest examples of Eastern dungeon synth. It is triumphant, pagan, prideful, cheesy as hell, endearing as hell, lo-fi, atmospheric, and throughout most of the album the artist is intoning some dramatic Slavonic gibberish. I'm making fun a bit, but this record has long been one of my favorites in the genre. In fact, this is one of the first few artists playing in the "dungeon" style that I discovered after Mortiis. Someone new to this genre might find everything about this to be laughable, but for those who are open-minded enough to hold back the chuckles, you shall find this album to be very profound and moving. The synths maintain a consistent tone, and yet they manage to be quite dynamic throughout, slowly changing between moods of solemn contemplation, honoring some forgotten pagan sun-father, to emotions of pure ancient victory, and sometimes down to stoic melancholy. Though the vocals will initially strike the listener as quite overdramatic, the enthusiasm and seriousness is extremely contagious, and one will find themselves nodding to these seemingly-ancient pagan hymns within less than ten minutes.

I'm going to review this as an English-speaking listener, without looking up a translation (I'm not sure if one exists) because that has always been suitable enough for me to enjoy this album for quite a few years. I don't understand a single word, and yet it all seems to make sense to me, as if it's calling out to some instinctual yearning of the indo-European mind for dense forests, snow-covered battlefields, and icons of myth and monstrosity.

Without knowledge of the lyrics, identifying exactly what this is about is impossible, but I sense it's about something gravely important. It seems to me a desperate attempt to resurrect the pagan sentimentality, true honor of oneself and the gods of battle and northern archetypes. I'd say, like Wongraven, this is one of those albums where, if one gives it their full attention, it's nearly impossible not to get swept up in the grandiose vision. It moves slowly, but in a way that is necessary. It manages to fill its ambient boots perfectly, being as slow-paced as they come, and yet somehow never seeming boring.

I'm going to, without a doubt, go so far as to say this is one of the absolutely necessary dungeon synth albums. Is Mortiis or Wongraven better? Perhaps, but I think this album is almost just as important, if not only for serving as an example of the essence of the Eastern style of dungeon synth. This is one of those albums where, if one is listening to it and doing nothing else, it's best experienced by letting one's mind drift where it may until the album reins it in (and it certainly will). This is the kind of album that is hard to do justice to. It is both as primitive as can be, and yet fantastically majestic. Everyone with even a fleeting interest in this kind of epic keyboard music should listen to it.

What is it about? I find that this seems to be an important question while listening myself, and yet I sense that it is open-ended. One can see within the majesty and pride of this record whatever strikes the individual listener as deserving of honor. Or perhaps one can listen to it as a representation of honor and pride itself…

It's minimalistic, no doubt about that, but it is the sort of sparseness that allows for a clear focus upon the only things that matter, and so the powerful melodies which carry the music waste not a single note in their goal to bring the listener's mind to a place of epic mythological power. Even the melodies themselves could be called simplistic, and yet it is this same simplicity which resonates within our spirits at an instinctual level, a mood which many artists fail to reach due to insecurity and unjustified complexity (or, most often, simply a lack of vision). Often the most profound statements are those said in simple, straightforward terms, of the human experience that is lost in the unimportant details.

But that is certainly not to say this album functions so well because it is minimalistic. This album is so good because it has spirit. That is ultimately what so many artists fail to reach and so many listeners fail to recognize. That is the reason why black metal was once so great, and is now long since dead, despite having the same sort of sound, and true spirit is why dungeon synth remains appreciated by only a small group of listeners who understand the soul of the art. Wojnar's early works are fantastical, primitive, and majestic, and shall only be honored by those who are the worthy inheritors of the magic born from black metal's ashes. ---Compcat, metal-archives.com

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

yandex 4shared mega mediafire uloz.to cloudmailru uptobox ge.tt



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluelover) Wojnar Thu, 27 Apr 2017 13:59:20 +0000
Wojnar - Z najglebszych borow piesni wam niose (2006) http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/19651-wojnar-z-najgbszych-borow-pieni-wam-nios-2006.html http://theblues-thatjazz.com/pl/polska/5265-wojnar/19651-wojnar-z-najgbszych-borow-pieni-wam-nios-2006.html Wojnar - Z najgłębszych borów pieśni wam niosę (2006)

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01. Opowieść o ludziach z krainy mgły - 02:20
02. W oparach walki - 03:08
03. Miecze naszych przodków - 02:52
04. Słowianie - 05:37
05. Lament bogów cz. II - 08:19
06. Życiodajna bożyca - 02:33
07. Opowieść o dębowym władcy - 01:57
08. Borów szumiących pieśń - 03:01
09. Nad płaczącym jeziorem - 03:05
10. Ręce Boga - 01:49
11. Siwowłosy jeździec - 01:54
12. Opowieść o minionym wichrze - 02:42
13. Gdy wichry zamilkną - 01:02
14. Północy śpiew - 01:31
15. Opowieść o źercy - 02:00
16. Słońca brzask - 03:40
17. Słowiański horyzont - 01:35
18. Noc - 03:23
19. Leśna ścieżka - 01:32
20. Droga ku nawi - 04:05

Wojnar - All instruments, Vocals
Saturious (Alexey Gorbov)


Wojnar – wykonawca, który wydał cztery oficjalne płyty: „The Book of Veles” (czerpiący ze świętej, słowiańskiej Księgi Welesa), „Z Najgłębszych Borów Pieśni Wam Niosę”, „Kiedy Duch Wojny Nade Mną Powstanie” i „Jam Synem Orlim Jest Na Wieki”. Twórczość, w dużej mierze instrumentalna, przesycona jest elementami pogańskimi, a każdy utwór opowiada jakąś historię z czasów, gdy na polskiej ziemi stały posągi prastarych bóstw. Chociaż ten wykonawca miał mocno nacjonalistyczne początki, to muszę szczerze powiedzieć, że Wojnar najbardziej do mnie przemawia, jeżeli chodzi o muzykę związaną ze Słowianami. Może to kwestia oszczędności w słowach i postawienia na melodię? --- slepowid.blog.pl


This is really good Slavonic Aryan ambient music with lots of folk influences, sometimes reminding me of Piorun but I like this a lot better. Piorun’s music is many times too happy for my taste but Wojnar’s is melancholic, majestic, proud and full of longing for the ancient pagan days. These are exactly the feelings and moods I want from this type of music, no happy bullshit! The concept of this album is to praise Poland’s pagan past, honour the ancestors and fight against Christianity. Guest musician on this album is Saturious of Nokturnal Mortum who plays the flute parts.

Instruments used here are mostly keyboards, flute, guitar and sometimes percussion as well. The music is also spiced with effects like thunder, sounds of battle and so on. Factors like the increase of variation in the music and the shortened track lengths (compared to some of Wojnar’s earlier releases) have brought only positive aspects with them. On this album the music is way more focused than before and doesn’t get boring or start to meander like it sometimes did in the past. The longest track, “Lament Bogów cz. II” is over eight minutes long and it’s better than the first part of the song, which can be found on the “Kiedy Duch Wojny Nade Mna Powstanie” demo. All the other tracks, except one, are under six minutes long. Wojnar puts in a very good vocal performance as well, the vocals are strong and expressive and not at all “sleepy” like on some previous releases. Sometimes he sings, at other times he narrates the songs as if he was reading a story, guiding the listener through the album. He has employed the same technique previously but on this album he puts on his best performance so far and the result is very convincing.

When I listen to this I feel like I’m walking through dark forests, sitting by campfires with my fellow warrior brothers, watching the mountains in the distance and gazing up at the starry night sky. Some of these songs would fit very well to a movie a about Polish paganism if such is ever made. The mood is very captivating thoughout the album and lets you travel back in time to the pagan battlefields and to the days when honour and pride still mattered. Highlights for me on this twenty-song (!) opus are “Opowiesc o Ludziach z Krainy Mgly”, “Slowianie”, “Zyciodajna Bozyca”, “Rece Boga”, “Opowiesc o Minionym Wichrze” and “Droga ku Nawi”. Yet it’s best to just let the music flow and take this CD as a whole. This is the release on which Wojnar, the dark guard of the Slavonic empire, manages to get his act together and produce some really stellar ambient pagan folk music. So summon Perun, Sventevith and company and let Wojnar bring out the pagan warrior in you. --- Pestbesmittad, metal-archives.com

download (mp3 @320 kbs):

salefiles yandex 4shared mega mediafire zalivalka cloudmailru uplea



administration@theblues-thatjazz.com (bluelover) Wojnar Tue, 03 May 2016 15:50:50 +0000