Janusz Zdunek - Baterie (2001)
1 I Love You 06:24 2 Block 04:19 3 New Batteries 00:35 4 Coda Be be 03:24 5 Smell Of A Rabbit 03:40 6 Boards & Cardboard 03:52 7 Kattorna 06:18 8 Uno 03:53 9 New Batteries 01:02 10 A Melody 04:36 11 It Is My Life 07:33 12 Boards Cardboard & Ice 02:58 13 Be Be Cia Cia 08:20 14 New Batteries 00:41 15 What An Amount 05:05 Janusz Zdunek - trumpet Tomasz Glazik - saxophone Wladyslaw Refling - bass Jacek Buhl - drums + Krzysztof Gruse – vocals
This is the 3rd album by Polish Jazz trumpeter / composer Janusz Zdunek and his quartet called 4 Syfon, which also included saxophonist Tomasz Glazik, bassist Wladyslaw Refling and drummer Jacek Buhl. Of the fifteen relatively short tracks on this album, six were composed by Zdunek, three by Buhl, another three (or in fact one repeated three times) by guest vocalist Krzysztof Gruse, one by Refling, one is a folk tune and the remaining one is by Krzysztof Komeda, the Godfather of Polish Jazz.
Although recorded after the heyday of the Polish Yass movement, which happened in the late 1990s, Zdunek continues the nonchalant, almost Punk attitude towards Jazz on this album. Based on simple, repetitive rhythm patterns, which originate mostly in Rock, the melody and the improvisation is played on top, sometimes by one instrument and sometimes by both soloists. A few tracks are pretty "free" (written, not surprisingly by Buhl, who would be drawn towards the Free Jazz movement later on in his career), but they are definitely exceptions.
The group's treatment of the Komeda tune is perhaps the most typical example of the idea behind this music; rhythmic simplicity and improvisation on top, with some Rap elements and overall atmosphere of "we do our thing and don't give a fuck what you think about it". Strangely enough it works just fine. It's pretty obvious that these are greatly talented musicians, trying very hard not to show it.
Over a decade after it was recorded, this music definitely lost some of its initial innovative approach and edge, but most of it still sounds pretty cool today. Not for everybody, but there are enough weirdoes out there to enjoy this stuff immensely forever. ---Adam Baruch, polish-jazz.blogspot.com
4 Syfon mając za sobą lekcje całej historii off-jazzu - od Aylera po downtown - proponują współczesną, miejską muzyką groovy. Funk, hip hop, rock, muzyka ludowa i ludyczna składają się w zwartą całość osadzoną na gruncie jazzu. Spaja je gra kwartetu - trąbka, saks + sekcja rytmiczna z mocno osadzonym elektrycznym basem. Pojawia się też akoredon. "Baterie" okazują się najbardziej dynamiczną i motoryczną płytą 4 Syfon. Groovy orientacja sekcji nie kłóci się jednak ze zwartymi dialogami dęciaków, które wygrywają figury z lekka groteskowe, ale przepełnione ciepłym dowcipem i jasną barwą. Ten specyficzne dla najlepszych yassowych dokonań luz wobec siebie i radosna kontemplacja siermiężności otoczenia, które raz po raz przechodzą w spontaniczne wzloty czystej energii. ---Rafał Księżyk (Antena Krzyku 1/2002), wsm.serpent.pl
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