Franz Schubert - Fantasie C-Dur; Rondo h-Moll; Sonate A-Dur (2012)
Fantasie C-Dur op.posth. 195 / D 934 (1827) 1. Andante molto 2. Allegretto 3. Andantino (Tema con variazioni) 4. Tempo primo 5. Allegro vivace – Allegretto – Presto Rondo h-Moll op. 70 / D 895 (1826) 6. Andante 7. Allegro Sonate A-Dur op.posth. 162 / D 574 (1817) 8. Allegro moderato 9. Scherzo 10. Andantino 11. Allegro vivace Carolin Widmann - violin Alexander Lonquich –piano
This insightful recording of Franz Schubert's music is also a first documentation of the musical alliance between violinist Carolin Widmann and pianist Alexander Lonquich, which has been gathering momentum over the last four years. They first came together to play Messiaen in Salzburg in 2008. The following year a Lonquich solo recital in Rome convinced Widmann that they should collaborate on Schubert's music for violin and piano.
In this album, recorded at Historic concert hall Reitstadl Neumarkt, the duo plays the C-Major fantasy of 1827 and the Violin Sonata in A of 1817, as well as the B minor Rondo of 1826. If the influence of Beethoven is still marked in the 1817 sonata, the 1826 and 1827 pieces remain striking in their originality. Written at the request of Viennese virtuosi Josef Slawik and Karl Maria von Bocklet, they are pieces that transcend `mere' virtuosity. Lonquich describes them as "paradoxical", compositions conceived as technical which nonetheless feel "thoroughly metaphysical": "Schubert is music's great Wanderer. He goes through highs and lows and subtle harmonic progressions. He's invariably spoken of as the great writer of melodies, yet there is always extraordinary harmonic tension at work as well." ---Editorial Review
Carolin Widmann otrzymała mnóstwo nagród i wyróżnień za swoje wykonania sonat skrzypcowych Schumanna, jak również za recital “Phantasy of spring” z muzyką Feldmana, Zimmermanna, Schoenberga i Xenakisa. Na najnowszym albumie przykuwa ogromna uwagę wykonaniami utworów Franza Schuberta. Carolin Widmann i pianista Aleksander Lonquich grają Fantazję C-dur z 1827 r., Sonatę skrzypcową A-dur z 1817, oraz Rondo b-moll z 1826 r. Ta ostatnia to jedyna opublikowana za życia Schuberta kompozycja. Widmann i Lonquich to duet znakomitych muzików i gra na najwyższym poziomie artystycznym.
Last Updated (Sunday, 27 April 2014 09:57)