Classical The best music site on the web there is where you can read about and listen to blues, jazz, classical music and much more. This is your ultimate music resource. Tons of albums can be found within. 2024-07-27T09:49:10Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 1 (2005) 2017-10-27T12:26:05Z 2017-10-27T12:26:05Z bluesever <p><strong>Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 1 (2005)</strong></p> <p><img src="" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 1. Toccata Op. 33 </em> Preludes Op. 37<em> 2. Nr. 1 C-Dur 3. Nr. 2 A-Moll 4. Nr. 3 G-Dur 5. Nr. 4 E-Moll 6. Nr. 5 D-Dur 7. Nr. 6 H-Moll </em> 3 Morceux Op. 12<em> 8. Nr. 1: Melodie 9. Nr. 2: Fariboles 10. Nr. 3: En Sommeillant </em> Chansons libres – serie de morceaux Op. 15<em> 11. Nr. 1 D-Moll 12. Nr. 2 F-Dur 13. Nr. 3 As-Dur 14. Nr. 4 B-Dur 15. Nr. 5 C-Dur </em> Pieces caracteristiques Op. 27<em> 16. Nr. 1: Mazur 17. Nr. 3: Krakowiak 18. Par Une Nuit De Printemps Op. 21 Nr. 1 </em> 4 Idylles Op. 18<em> 19. Nr. 3 H-Moll 20. Nr. 4 Ges-Dur </em> 2 Valses Op. 5<em> 21. Nr. 1 22. Nr. 2 </em> Barbara Karaśkiewicz - piano </pre> <p> </p> <p>In my search of forgotten Polish music I have come across another "uncharted territory" - the figure of Roman Statkowski. His operatic, symphonic, chamber, or solo output is familiar only through dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Until very recently no Polish artist or ensemble, not to mention foreign ones, performed his works. My contact in 2004 with the excellent pianist of the younger generation, Barbara Karaśkiewicz, radically changed this situation. Our common fascination of Roman Statkowski and his music soon bore fruit in beautiful recordings of his complete piano works. At the same time, the artist has included these worthwhile pieces in the programme of her recitals: she is the only pianist that can boast of being able to perform the entire piano output of this great composer. I believe that thanks to these albums, which present piano works composed by Roman Statkowski, he will get through not only to music lovers, but also musicians, who will include some of these pieces in their repertoires. We will be happy to give access to his scores to anyone interested in performing them. Based on the general idea of promoting Polish culture, we chose for the cover of the album a detail of a painting by the great Polish artist, Józef Chełmoński, a contemporary of the composer. ---Jan A. Jarnicki,</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Nieustająca w trudzie propagowania mało znanej muzyki polskiej wytwórnia Acte Préalable wydała płytę z utworami fortepianowymi Romana Statkowskiego (1859-1925), artysty w swoim czasie popularnego i szanowanego, jednego z najzacniejszych profesorów Instytutu Muzycznego i Konserwatorium Warszawskiego. Wiele jego kompozycji zostało zapomnianych całkiem niezasłużenie - twórca swobodnie operuje fakturami i idiomem muzycznym zbliżonym do Rachmaninowa; słychać w jego utworach wybaczalne wpływy Chopina, ale też wiele własnej inwencji i - płynącej ze znajomości instrumentu - wirtuozowskiej brawury.</p> <p>W pierwszym z Preludiów zachwyca odważna progresja, w ostatnim - kunsztownie zbudowana wielopiętrowa faktura polifoniczna. Gdy pojawiają się wątpliwości, czy Melodia otwierająca Morceaux op. 3 nie jest mniej udana, wdzięk następujących po niej Fariboles i rozkoszna śpiewność En sommeillant je rozprasza. Trzecia z Chansons libres przypomina nieco marsze Schumanna, w piątej zaś pojawiają się reminiscencje Dies irae w ujęciu Lisztowskim. Zaintrygować może Krakowiak z Utworów charakterystycznych, utrzymany w tonacji minorowej, Idylle - zwłaszcza As-dur - oczarują, a z dwóch Walców pierwszy dzieli wdzięk Przyśpieszeń Straussa, drugi zaś zdumiewa wycieczką w kierunku modernizmu, słychać w nim bowiem delikatne harmonie bliskie piosenkom z paryskiego kabaretu.</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="!7Tgx0gknBdr0/rmnsttkwsk-pw1-zip" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;"> </a> <a href="!4ugBmICL!_Bn8DRCJB86EbafVwowuv5QzpSFHRdd5jLxb6w9fzJM" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">gett</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=";">back</a></p> <p><strong>Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 1 (2005)</strong></p> <p><img src="" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre><em> 1. Toccata Op. 33 </em> Preludes Op. 37<em> 2. Nr. 1 C-Dur 3. Nr. 2 A-Moll 4. Nr. 3 G-Dur 5. Nr. 4 E-Moll 6. Nr. 5 D-Dur 7. Nr. 6 H-Moll </em> 3 Morceux Op. 12<em> 8. Nr. 1: Melodie 9. Nr. 2: Fariboles 10. Nr. 3: En Sommeillant </em> Chansons libres – serie de morceaux Op. 15<em> 11. Nr. 1 D-Moll 12. Nr. 2 F-Dur 13. Nr. 3 As-Dur 14. Nr. 4 B-Dur 15. Nr. 5 C-Dur </em> Pieces caracteristiques Op. 27<em> 16. Nr. 1: Mazur 17. Nr. 3: Krakowiak 18. Par Une Nuit De Printemps Op. 21 Nr. 1 </em> 4 Idylles Op. 18<em> 19. Nr. 3 H-Moll 20. Nr. 4 Ges-Dur </em> 2 Valses Op. 5<em> 21. Nr. 1 22. Nr. 2 </em> Barbara Karaśkiewicz - piano </pre> <p> </p> <p>In my search of forgotten Polish music I have come across another "uncharted territory" - the figure of Roman Statkowski. His operatic, symphonic, chamber, or solo output is familiar only through dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Until very recently no Polish artist or ensemble, not to mention foreign ones, performed his works. My contact in 2004 with the excellent pianist of the younger generation, Barbara Karaśkiewicz, radically changed this situation. Our common fascination of Roman Statkowski and his music soon bore fruit in beautiful recordings of his complete piano works. At the same time, the artist has included these worthwhile pieces in the programme of her recitals: she is the only pianist that can boast of being able to perform the entire piano output of this great composer. I believe that thanks to these albums, which present piano works composed by Roman Statkowski, he will get through not only to music lovers, but also musicians, who will include some of these pieces in their repertoires. We will be happy to give access to his scores to anyone interested in performing them. Based on the general idea of promoting Polish culture, we chose for the cover of the album a detail of a painting by the great Polish artist, Józef Chełmoński, a contemporary of the composer. ---Jan A. Jarnicki,</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Nieustająca w trudzie propagowania mało znanej muzyki polskiej wytwórnia Acte Préalable wydała płytę z utworami fortepianowymi Romana Statkowskiego (1859-1925), artysty w swoim czasie popularnego i szanowanego, jednego z najzacniejszych profesorów Instytutu Muzycznego i Konserwatorium Warszawskiego. Wiele jego kompozycji zostało zapomnianych całkiem niezasłużenie - twórca swobodnie operuje fakturami i idiomem muzycznym zbliżonym do Rachmaninowa; słychać w jego utworach wybaczalne wpływy Chopina, ale też wiele własnej inwencji i - płynącej ze znajomości instrumentu - wirtuozowskiej brawury.</p> <p>W pierwszym z Preludiów zachwyca odważna progresja, w ostatnim - kunsztownie zbudowana wielopiętrowa faktura polifoniczna. Gdy pojawiają się wątpliwości, czy Melodia otwierająca Morceaux op. 3 nie jest mniej udana, wdzięk następujących po niej Fariboles i rozkoszna śpiewność En sommeillant je rozprasza. Trzecia z Chansons libres przypomina nieco marsze Schumanna, w piątej zaś pojawiają się reminiscencje Dies irae w ujęciu Lisztowskim. Zaintrygować może Krakowiak z Utworów charakterystycznych, utrzymany w tonacji minorowej, Idylle - zwłaszcza As-dur - oczarują, a z dwóch Walców pierwszy dzieli wdzięk Przyśpieszeń Straussa, drugi zaś zdumiewa wycieczką w kierunku modernizmu, słychać w nim bowiem delikatne harmonie bliskie piosenkom z paryskiego kabaretu.</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="!7Tgx0gknBdr0/rmnsttkwsk-pw1-zip" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;"> </a> <a href="!4ugBmICL!_Bn8DRCJB86EbafVwowuv5QzpSFHRdd5jLxb6w9fzJM" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">gett</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=";">back</a></p> Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 2 (2008) 2017-10-29T16:08:58Z 2017-10-29T16:08:58Z bluesever <p><strong>Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 2 (2008)</strong></p> <p><img src="" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre>Two Idylles, Op. 18<em> 1. 2 idylles op. 18: I. in E major 2. 2 idylles op. 18:II. in A flat major </em> Three Obereks, Op. 22<em> 3. 3 Obereks op. 22: I. in C major 4. 3 Obereks op. 22: II. in A flat major 5. 3 Obereks op. 22: III. in D major </em> Three Mazurkas, Op. 2<em> 6. 3 Mazureks op. 24: I. in G minor 7. 3 Mazureks op. 24: II. in D major 8. 3 Mazureks op. 24: III. in A major </em> Three Piecettes polonaises, Op. 9<em> 9. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: I. Cracovienne - reverie 10. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: II. Oberek 11. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: III. Dumka </em> Three Krakowiaks,Op. 24<em> 12. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: I. in C sharp minor 13. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: II. in B flat major 14. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: III. in D flat major </em> Six Pieces, Op. 16<em> 15. 6 Pieces op. 16: I. Capriccio 16. 6 Pieces op. 16: II. Impromptu 17. 6 Pieces op. 16: III. Valse 18. 6 Pieces op. 16: IV. All'antico 19. 6 Pieces op. 16: V. Alla burla 20. 6 Pieces op. 16: VI. Aupres de la fontaine </em> Barbara Karaskiewicz – piano </pre> <p> </p> <p>In my search of forgotten Polish music I have come across another "uncharted territory" - the figure of Roman Statkowski. His operatic, symphonic, chamber, or solo output is familiar only through dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Until very recently no Polish artist or ensemble, not to mention foreign ones, performed his works. My contact in 2004 with the excellent pianist of the younger generation, Barbara Karaśkiewicz, radically changed this situation. Our common fascination of Roman Statkowski and his music soon bore fruit in beautiful recordings of his piano works. At the same time, the artist has included these worthwhile pieces in the programme of her recitals: she is the only pianist that can boast of being able to perform the entire piano output of this great composer. I believe that thanks to these albums, which present piano works composed by Roman Statkowski, he will get through not only to music lovers, but also musicians, who will include some of these pieces in their repertoires. We will be happy to give access to his scores to anyone interested in performing them. Based on the general idea of promoting Polish culture, we chose for the cover of the album a detail of a painting by the great Polish artist, Józef Chełmoński, a contemporary of the composer. ---Jan A. Jarnicki,</p> <p> </p> <p>Once again the Acte Prelable label has issued a second recital of select piano composers of Roman Statkowski - (1859-1925). This label specializes on unique Polish piano music as performed by several excellent Polish pianists and Barbara Karaskiewicz is such an artist. The music is romantic with an emphasis on the Polish dance art form as is reflected in this second volume of select piano compositions.</p> <p>The music has charm and grace. Even with its Chopin flavor for the romantic, there are also reflections found in Russian style works and a hint of impressionism in this style of compositions. The performances are sensitive, lush, and with total understanding for the musical phrase. Outstanding examples include The Three Mazurkas; Six Pieces and the Two Idylles. Excellent program notes give a fine background into the composer, his life and select compositions found on this particular recording. --- Dennis E. Ferrara,</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="!8qYVHDaJ!wuT28PRwcwQHnZA2igVNZqcNfxinsrX5DAzBPrMgWnY" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;"> </a> <a href="!8qYVHDaJ!wuT28PRwcwQHnZA2igVNZqcNfxinsrX5DAzBPrMgWnY" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">gett</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=";">back</a></p> <p><strong>Roman Statkowski - Piano works Vol. 2 (2008)</strong></p> <p><img src="" border="0" alt="Image could not be displayed. Check browser for compatibility." /></p> <pre>Two Idylles, Op. 18<em> 1. 2 idylles op. 18: I. in E major 2. 2 idylles op. 18:II. in A flat major </em> Three Obereks, Op. 22<em> 3. 3 Obereks op. 22: I. in C major 4. 3 Obereks op. 22: II. in A flat major 5. 3 Obereks op. 22: III. in D major </em> Three Mazurkas, Op. 2<em> 6. 3 Mazureks op. 24: I. in G minor 7. 3 Mazureks op. 24: II. in D major 8. 3 Mazureks op. 24: III. in A major </em> Three Piecettes polonaises, Op. 9<em> 9. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: I. Cracovienne - reverie 10. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: II. Oberek 11. 3 Piecettes polonaises op. 9: III. Dumka </em> Three Krakowiaks,Op. 24<em> 12. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: I. in C sharp minor 13. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: II. in B flat major 14. 3 Krakowiaks op. 23: III. in D flat major </em> Six Pieces, Op. 16<em> 15. 6 Pieces op. 16: I. Capriccio 16. 6 Pieces op. 16: II. Impromptu 17. 6 Pieces op. 16: III. Valse 18. 6 Pieces op. 16: IV. All'antico 19. 6 Pieces op. 16: V. Alla burla 20. 6 Pieces op. 16: VI. Aupres de la fontaine </em> Barbara Karaskiewicz – piano </pre> <p> </p> <p>In my search of forgotten Polish music I have come across another "uncharted territory" - the figure of Roman Statkowski. His operatic, symphonic, chamber, or solo output is familiar only through dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Until very recently no Polish artist or ensemble, not to mention foreign ones, performed his works. My contact in 2004 with the excellent pianist of the younger generation, Barbara Karaśkiewicz, radically changed this situation. Our common fascination of Roman Statkowski and his music soon bore fruit in beautiful recordings of his piano works. At the same time, the artist has included these worthwhile pieces in the programme of her recitals: she is the only pianist that can boast of being able to perform the entire piano output of this great composer. I believe that thanks to these albums, which present piano works composed by Roman Statkowski, he will get through not only to music lovers, but also musicians, who will include some of these pieces in their repertoires. We will be happy to give access to his scores to anyone interested in performing them. Based on the general idea of promoting Polish culture, we chose for the cover of the album a detail of a painting by the great Polish artist, Józef Chełmoński, a contemporary of the composer. ---Jan A. Jarnicki,</p> <p> </p> <p>Once again the Acte Prelable label has issued a second recital of select piano composers of Roman Statkowski - (1859-1925). This label specializes on unique Polish piano music as performed by several excellent Polish pianists and Barbara Karaskiewicz is such an artist. The music is romantic with an emphasis on the Polish dance art form as is reflected in this second volume of select piano compositions.</p> <p>The music has charm and grace. Even with its Chopin flavor for the romantic, there are also reflections found in Russian style works and a hint of impressionism in this style of compositions. The performances are sensitive, lush, and with total understanding for the musical phrase. Outstanding examples include The Three Mazurkas; Six Pieces and the Two Idylles. Excellent program notes give a fine background into the composer, his life and select compositions found on this particular recording. --- Dennis E. Ferrara,</p> <p>download (mp3 @320 kbs):</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">yandex </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mediafire</a> <a href="!8qYVHDaJ!wuT28PRwcwQHnZA2igVNZqcNfxinsrX5DAzBPrMgWnY" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;"> </a> <a href="!8qYVHDaJ!wuT28PRwcwQHnZA2igVNZqcNfxinsrX5DAzBPrMgWnY" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">mega </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">4shared </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">cloudmailru </a> <a href="" target="_blank" onclick=",'newwin','left=27,width=960,height=720,menubar=1,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,resizable=1');return false;">gett</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href=";">back</a></p>